購物須知 Guidelines
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- 在月華堂網上商店預先登記,填寫收件人資訊、地址、電話及電郵地址等資料,可以方便查看訂單狀況和歷史訂單,令結帳流程更為順暢。
- 註冊後,下次購物可節省填寫資料的時間。
- 若不註冊帳號,可使用訪客身份結賬。惟每次購物需重新填寫個人資料才能完成購物程序。
- 凡訂購滿$300,即可豁免標準運費$40 (不適用於德國Bauerfeind系列產品)。
- 下單後,您將會收到訂單確認的電郵,留意電郵或會被轉至垃圾電郵內。請按照電郵內容的付款指示進行付款及傳送截圖予我們。
- 我們確認閣下已付款後,會在2個工作天內寄出貨品,並發出whatsapp訊息/電郵通知您。
- 如需大量訂購或海外送貨,請與我們聯絡
- 您可以使用HSBC Payme、FPS 轉數快、網上銀行/ATM自動櫃員機轉賬等方式付款。
- You can register an account at our website before purchasing. This enables you to check your order status easily and makes the checkout process smoother.
- Time to fill in the personal information can be saved when you shop next time.
- If you do not register, you can still check out as a guest. Please be reminded that you need to fill in your personal information again when you make a purchase next time.
Shipping policy
- For orders over $300, the standard shipping fee ($40) can be waived (Bauerfeind products are not applicable).
- After the order is made, you will receive an email that confirms your order. Note that the email may go to spam. Please follow the payment instructions in the email and send us the captured payment receipt for confirmation.
- We will ship the products within 2 working days after confirming your payment. An Whatsapp message / email will be sent to you after the products are being shipped.
- For bulk ordering or overseas delivery, please contact us.
Payment method
- You can use HSBC Payme / FPS, online banking/ ATM transfer to settle the payment.